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The MyGift Lifestyle Blog

Staycation At Home Ideas

Planning the Perfect Staycation At Home

Every now and then each of us needs a break from the mundane daily routine and to take a vacation. But that doesn’t mean you need to go museum hopping in Europe or sit on an island sipping a Mai Tai. We have some ideas for a quick and less expensive Staycation!

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How To Reduce Your Screen Time

How To Reduce Your Screen Time In 5 Easy Steps

We use a computer during our work day, enjoy our TV series in the evening, and play computer games. But who has time to take a screen free break? With these 5 steps, you can take a break from the screen while still being productive!  

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5 Ways To Keep Your Mind at Ease-MyGift

5 Ways To Keep Your Mind at Ease

These days, it can be hard to relax with so much uncertainty and stress. Sometimes the thing we need is to gather our thoughts, relax, rejuvenate, and reset. We’ve got some great ideas for you to take time for yourself and connect your mind, body and soul.

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