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5 Tricks to keeping a cleaner well-organized house-MyGift

5 Tricks to keeping a cleaner well-organized house

With winter whittling away and Spring just around the corner, it’s time to jump back into getting your house in order and get your spring cleaning on. To keep your spring cleaning going all through the summer is setting up tasks and goals to let your home be well-organized and clean year-round.

1. Create A Schedule 

The one thing about creating a schedule is sticking to it. Evaluate your space, go room by room and see which areas need the most care. Which spaces need the most organization? Which spots have you neglected cleaning? Have a solid plan to tackle each room so you don’t get overwhelmed.


Spring Cleaning Storage

2. Store Items

Whether its from season to season, holidays, its easy to store away items that aren’t used often in containers to keep the clutter down in your home. This can also include items you do use on a daily basis. Keeping toys, office supplies, kitchen products or remote controls in an organized fashion and a place to put away at the end of the day, or after they are done being utilized. Keep items stored in baskets, bins or containers around your home makes cleaning up easy and quick.


Spring Cleaning Tipps

3. Work From Top to Bottom

Basically you need to work from the ceilings down to the floors. Using this technique can make jobs go by faster and make sure you don’t forget to dust, wipe or vacuum the important spaces. This also helps the dust and debris you don’t catch on top, will settle down to the bottom and get snatched up no matter what.


Wall Storage

4. Utilize Your Walls

Create extra space in your home by taking over the walls. Add hooks, shelves to unused walls or the back of doors to add more storage space without losing valuable floor space.


Spring Cleaning

5. Make It Fun

Don’t let the tasks get overwhelming, keep it light and fun!

a. Put together a playlist and dance through the filth
b. Create a scavenger hunt: find the old banana peel. How many dirty socks can you find?
c. Make it into a workout, count all the calories your burning washing the floor and folding those clothes
d. Race against the clock: How quickly can you sweep or scrub the tub?
e. Reward yourself once its all done! Wine, chocolates, a massage, you choose but make sure its worth your hard work!

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