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Easter Egg Ideas That Aren’t Just Dying

Easter Egg Ideas That Aren’t Just Dying

 Dying eggs is always a fun spring activity, especially for Easter time. There is the typical dyed eggs for Easter, but why not take it a step further and add some unique decorations to your Easter eggs this year. We’ve gathered some great ideas to take your Easter eggs from colorful to fabulous!


Spray Paint Eggs

Ever thought about spray painting your eggs? It is super simple, quick and you can create unique patterns and designs in one quick spray.

Get the tutorial at The Crafter Life >


Decoupage Eggs

These gorgeous eggs make a beautiful centerpiece and are surprisingly easy to make. In this example, they use decorative napkins and mod podge.

Get the tutorial at Southern Hospitality >


Naturally Dyed Eggs

Who knew paprika, turmeric and cabbage could naturally dye your eggs? If you are looking for to dye your eggs naturally check out this tutorial.

Get the tutorial at Good Housekeeping >


Melted Crayon Eggs

Easy and fun for kids, melted crayon eggs are one of the simplest ways to decorate eggs. Draw on them while they are hot and dye them.

Get the tutorial at Artful Parent >


Sparkle Eggs

The perfect glamourous addition to your Easter décor are these sparkle eggs. They can be done with both plastic and real eggs.

Get the tutorial at Two Sisters >


Gold Leaf Eggs

Sophisticated and elegant gold leaf easter eggs make unique table settings and decorations for Easter.

Get the tutorial at Sugar and Charm >


Rubber Band Eggs

This might be the easiest way to decorate eggs. Simply wrap your eggs in rubber bands to create different patterns and dip in your choice of dye color and that’s it.

Get the tutorial at Freutcake >


Brushstroke Eggs

Dyed eggs, paint brush and acrylic paint are the only thing you need to transform your eggs into a work of art.

Get tutorial at Tell Love and Party >


Napkin Eggs

Who knew napkins could make such cool designs on Easter eggs? Wrap your egg in paper towel and drop food coloring on them for this tie-dye look.

Get tutorial at Frugel Mom Eh! >


Whipped Cream Eggs

A tasty alternative to shaving cream, whip cream dyed eggs don’t leave them tasting like aftershave if you decide to eat your hard boiled eggs. They also make for a lovely swirled colorful finish.

Get the tutorial at The Suburban Soapbox >

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