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Tips for Hosting the Perfect Holiday Party

Tips for Hosting the Perfect Holiday Party

Hosting any type of party can be a stressful event, but one during the holidays can amp up all those anxiety-ridden feelings. But with precise planning and preparation, and some expert tips from us, hosting your holiday get-together with be a breeze, and you might actually get to enjoy it this year!


Christmas Party To Do List

Create A To-Do List: Being well organized and creating a strategic attack for tackling each item will make your party prep and timeline go smoothly. Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to others to get things done quicker, everyone is always eager to help and many hands make light work.


Women in Kitchen preparing Food

Make Things Ahead of Time: As much as you can, try and prep the appetizers, desserts, or any other festive treats ahead of time. Consider making cocktails like sangria or cider that need time to mull or infuse for better tasting, that way you won’t need to be squeezing fruits right before guests arrive. Other items that can be easily frozen and reheated, or dips and trail mixes made the day before can also be helpful for making day-of tasks even simpler.


House with Holiday Decoration in Snow

The Guest List: With gatherings being smaller this year, be sure to make your list very exclusive. Keep it to a few close friends and family who all get along and won’t get too bothered by losing a friendly game of charades. Remember you don’t have to invite every neighbor or second cousin, the guest list needs to be who you want to enjoy, not who you think should be invited.


Charcuterie Board

Make a Buffet: Consider creating a buffet table for people to graze and snack then a regular sit-down dinner. It will make for easier prep and clean up and gives the option for people to take what they like and leave what they don’t, making those picky eaters easier to please. Remember a cheese or charcuterie board can go a long way.


Vinyl Player with Holiday Background

Create A Playlist: You don’t want to have to play host and DJ, so either designate one specific person to choose the music, create a playlist ahead of time, or put on a CD or record for some nostalgic vibes.


People playing board game

Keep Guests Entertained: Not that your company won’t be enough, but make sure your guests don’t get bored with idle chitchat or awkward silences. Keep fun board or card games on hand, try putting on a fun holiday movie or play a round of white elephant. If you are looking for even more fun, consider a drinking game or bingo to go along with your holiday movie or just general Christmas cheer.

The most important part about hosting a holiday party is to enjoy it yourself. Put washing the dishes off till the next day and revel in some good food, solid drinks, and great company, so be sure to allow yourself to relish in all your hard work.


Looking for great hosting accessories like trays, risers, glassware and more? Check out or Holiday Entertaining section for great ideas and supplies!

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